Friday, May 18, 2007


A Travesty

As a hockey fan I feel like this should bother me:

Here we have sport's greatest trophy, engraved with the names of all those who have come close to winning it, being mocked and abused on Boston Legal. I know that David Kelly is a hockey fan, and William Shatner probably enjoys the puck a bit, but did they need to make a mockery of the grail? It just seems wrong.

But then I realize. No one watches hockey. I'm a member of a small pocket of guerrilla hockey fans. Any coverage is good coverage and if William Shatner making a mockery of the Stanly Cup on national television shines a light(however embarrassing) on my sport then I might as well deal with it.

Until hockey is standing on it's own two feet we'll be forced to live with indignities like this one. And I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

Don't call me on Sunday between noon and 3pm. I've got a playoff series to win.

It was a good episode. You shouldn't talk about Boston Legal if you don't know about Boston Legal.'s spelled "yzerman"
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